Сommunication systems
VCS 2700 voice communication system


VCS 2700 voice communication system is designed to be used in air traffic management centres (ATM) in order to provide operational controller radio- and telephone communication of air traffic controllers/ planners with aircraft crews, interacting ATM services and units, departmental and airport services.

VCS 2700 provides advanced performance features such as minimal connection time, high fault tolerance, and operational availability, wide scalability, an extensive range of interfaces that provide the ability to interface with both legacy and advanced radio- and telephone-communication equipment, as well as provides the operator with a variety of basic and additional services.


  • aviation
  • radio navigation flight support system
  • communication and data transmission facilities


  • simultaneous control of 25 frequency channels
  • locking the footswitch
  • footswitch priorities
  • frequency retransmission
  • frequency forwarding
  • radio channel intercom
  • selection of the best signal from 6 radio stations
  • trouble-free footswitch
  • selection of audio devices for each channel
  • volume control individually for each channel and / or radio centre
  • remote radio control (frequency tuning, emission mode selection, emission power setting, etc.)


  • display of up to 300 direct access subscribers
  • priority call
  • hotline call
  • conference call
  • call hold
  • single call forwarding
  • group call forwarding
  • call queue display
  • call signal setting
  • signal level adjustment
  • telephone connection capability with a footswitch (simplex simulation)
  • 25-50 Hz local battery call


Support for efficient aviation development

Azimut's solution for the voice communication system VCS 2700 is modern, flexible, and allows efficiently expanding the system throughout its life cycle.

Increasing capacity and safety

The following factors are of primary importance for every air navigation service provider (ANSP) worldwide: increasing air space capacity and flight safety while saving flight time, reducing aircraft downtime, and decreasing fuel costs for airlines. Azimut helps ANSP reduce operational delays by ensuring maximum operational availability, reliability, and fault tolerance of the VCS 2700.

Guaranteed efficient installation

The VCS 2700 by Azimut provides fast installation and ergonomic controller interaction, which enables efficiently implementing projects in the shortest possible time.

Providing efficient and reliable services for ATMs in accordance with international standards

The VCS 2700 provides reliable services for ATM units and authorities in accordance with the requirements of international standards for VoIP (ED-136, ED-137).

Increased flight safety due to the highly reliable and efficient VCS 2700

The VCS 2700 provides a safety-critical, reliable air-to-ground and ground-to-ground connection for standalone and networked ACCs, ACTs and air hubs. The VCS 2700 architecture ensures reliable ATM service delivery and minimizes delays and disruptions. The IP technologies used in the VCS 2700 by Azimut provide uncompromising voice quality and ATC security measures:

  • Distributed call control intelligence across the decentralized system elements, such as controller working positions and interface gateways, provides unsurpassed fault tolerance;
  • Duplicated, fully separated, and parallel local area network (LAN) infrastructures without a single point of failure;
  • The smallest audio IP packets exchanged by decentralized elements guarantee lowest audio delay even in complex frequency cross-coupling arrangements.

Full flexibility due to the scalable VCS 2700

The VCS 2700 by Azimut is a scalable platform to perform operations from a small airport to a networked ACC.

Technical advantages

VCS 2700 Function / Performance parameters Advantage

VCS 2700 is implemented as two independent system subnetworks - A and B, operating completely in isolation and in parallel at any given time with equal priority. There is no synchronization and no interconnection between the systems A and B. Parallel operation has significant advantages over hot standby systems in other systems:
✔ Should any module fail, there occurs no loss of communication because there is no switchover time;
✔ Connection failures do not affect system performance;
✔ Exceptional operational availability of the system;
✔ The VCS 2700 system enables placing redundant half-sets of the system in separate rooms or buildings. This provides additional safety in case of, for example, attacks or fire.
All decentralised processor units also in the interface racks are fully redundant ✔ Failure of a single processor unit does not affect the operation of the system;
✔ Any failure of a single line card does not affect the rest of the system;
✔ All line cards and processor modules allow hot swapping to ensure maximum availability and easy maintenance.
The compact touch entry device (TED) at each controller working position is the controlling element for the controller working position as well. The module serves for the voice communication system including the complete working position electronics without any moving parts such as fans or hard drives. ✔ Fast reaction time ensures no delays for the controllers’ operation;
✔ No moving parts provide a very high availability of the hardware being used (high MTBF value) and therefore there is no need to conduct periodic maintenance;
✔ Reduced spacing between controllers’ consoles since there is no need to install separate electronics for each working position;
✔ There is no risk of overheating of working position electronics inside the consoles.
The controller working position equipment is connected via two independent E1 or LAN segments. In case the controller working position is connected via LAN, it has two independent IP addresses, which are not part of the same subnetwork, in order to reach full independence in case of single LAN outages. ✔ There is no single point of failure when using the E1 and LAN;
✔ No communication loss in case of E1 or LAN outages;
✔ The highest availability of the system, since each working position uses two independent IP addresses.
The system supports automatic switchover from the main (primary) to the standby radio station, as well as manual switchover. ✔  In case of a radio failure, the system can automatically switch over to the standby radios to ensure permanent air / ground communication.
Activating new (updated) user roles at the working positions can be executed during system operation. ✔ No need to restart the working position, which means that the ongoing communication session will not be interrupted.

Basic technical specifications

Power supply Value

  • Two independent AC feeders
    • ~176-264 V, 50 ± 1 Hz

Operating conditions

  • Located in control rooms and hardware rooms
    • Temperature from +5 °C to +40 °C
    • Relative humidity from 10 to 90 %
  • Operating time
    • 24 hours a day

Reliability measures

  • Mean time between failures (MTBF), hour
    • 10 000
  • Mean time to recovery (MTTR), minute
    • 30
  • Service life, year
    • 10
  • Availability, minimum
    • 0,999995

VCS performance parameters

  • Switching technology
    • Voice – TDMA and/or IP, data – IP
  • System performance
    • Up to 8000 time slots (ports) in a non-blocking system
  • Number of channels to connect
    • 1000
  • Frequencies (maximum number)
    • 512
  • Transmitting and receiving centres (radio communication facilities) at each working position
    • 96
  • Working positions (maximum number)
    • 210
  • Built-in test equipment (BITE)
    • Up to the level of standard line replacement units (LRU)
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