Key customers in the Russian market paid a working visit to the production site of Azimut JSC

This week a working visit to the production site of Azimut JSC in Makhachkala was paid by key customers in the Russian Federation, consisting of deputy CEO of FSUE "State ATM Corporation" E. V. Melnikov, head of R&D Department of ATM SFU (Systems and Facilities Unit) and GLONASS, "Almaz – Antey" Air and Space Defence Corporation" JSC, A. I. Chernyshov, acting head of ATS ANC of Radiotechnical Communications and Navigational Equipment Department at the Caspian ATS Centre of the "Aeronavigatsiaya Yuga" (Air Navigation of the South) branch, FSUE "State ATM Corporation", A. A. Bondarenko.

The working group got acquainted with the list of existing quality management system procedures at the plant, visited various production floors and paid special attention to the processes related to the identification of non-conformances until the closing of the production order.

The guests of Azimut JSC noted the high organization of production processes at all cycles, flexible automated mechanical production, the presence of an automated surface mounting line with a full profile (including optical inspection and X-ray control), automation of parameter checkout during testing.

Thank you for the successful collaboration, and we are looking forward to your visiting again!

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